Random Writing

That’s how it goes. (I wrote this in November 2016) This has been a week of painful, powerful and potent losses. The election being the first, and ultimately the one which has engendered the most fear and sense of loss– for our country, for our world and for our very lives. As Garrison Keillor said,…


Housatonic A great red barn bedecked with cupolas, immense double doors and a many gabled roof, stood ornate and stately behind the ordinary homes off-Kirk in Housatonic. That house will always be our home no matter who lives there now we are gone. Abandoned to the winds for forty years, we bought her cheap and…

The Story of Emma Lee

Family Mythologies. Haven’t we all experienced them?  You know, the kind of stories that are handed down at our Mother’s knee – or someone’s knee. Stories that we have heard all our lives and truly believe, and then suddenly somehow, somewhere we learn the truth, often when it’s too late to refute the original story because…

About Me

 Born into a theatrical family during World War II,  I came to America in 1959 and have worked in the visual and performing arts for all my American life. After a career in the theatre as an actor and stage manager, I married actor Colgate Salsbury.  We moved with our daughters to Housatonic, Massachusetts in…

Book Events for Rise Above It, Darling

Book Events for Rise Above It, Darling

Previous readings January 8, 2022  The Spencertown Academy, Spencertown, NY April 2, 2022         Malden Bridge Community Center for North Chatham Library July 8, 2022           The Unicorn Theatre, Stockbridge, MA September 10, 2022  Chatham Public Library, Chatham, NY November 5, 2022  Kinderhook Public Library, Kinderhook, NY January…